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The Global Goals: What we really really want
It’s been 20 years since I first heard ‘Wannabe’ from the Spice Girls. I remember hearing the lyrics and watching the video clip (during Saturday morning’s Video Hits) and thinking: I want to be like them. It was nothing to do with their singing, dancing or zigazig ahs, I just wanted to be a fierce and independent women.
And now that song has taken on a whole new meaning. The Global Goals organisation have used this song as a loud and in-your-face question: What do you really really want for women and girls? The Global Goals is an organisation that focuses on positive goals for the world for a sustainable future. Their site lists 17 goals and encourages you to pick one you care about and make it known.
They also explain that “in 2015 world leaders promised to put girls and women first when they signed up to the Sustainable Development Goals to end poverty, fix climate change and tackle inequalities.”
Global Goals continues, “if you make the noise, we’ll get your message to world leaders at the UN in September. The Global Goals will only ever be achieved if governments, businesses, communities and YOU invest in girls and women.”
We couldn’t agree more. Watch the The Global Goals clip, get the song stuck in your head and share its message with #whatireallyreallywant
But what do we want here at The Merry Go Round? We want #5 Gender Equality. Simply because when you empower women you empower the world. However, that is quite broad. We couldn’t pick a specific goal, but we really really want all the things these women are asking for:
Source: Getty Images
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Fi is a writer and editor for The Merry Go Round. She enjoys sunshine, singing in the car and viewing the glass as half full (of wine)