Mind and Body
Finally getting my smoothie on…
After what seems like decades of reading about the benefits of smoothies, hearing people talk about smoothies and almost ordering them at cafés, I’ve finally decided to give them a go.
I appreciate that for many of you out there that’s probably akin to saying, I’m trying, say, the Internet, or running water, but we’ve all got to start sometime, and I’m starting now.
And that was my problem: I didn’t know where to start. What fruits go well together? Do I need to add fancy things like chia seeds? Kale? What the hell is kale?
I spoke to my local fruiterer, Joe, about this and he gave me three pieces of advice:
1) Use the fruits that are in season
2) Don’t worry about being fancy, whatever is in the fridge will do
3) Always shop with him, he has the freshest fruit around
I’m taking the first two on board…perhaps the third was slightly self-serving. However, he gave me three combinations to get me started. Thanks Joe!
Super charge me:
1 cup kale
½ stick of celery
1 cup spinach
1 cup cucumber (Peeled and seeded)
½ an apple
½ a pear
Mint leaves
1 cup of water
Berry nice
½ cup strawberries
½ cup blueberries
½ cup blackberries
(basically whatever is taking berry form in your fridge)
Watermelon pieces (for water content and general yumminess)
1 cup of water, yoghurt or milk
Peachy keen
1 Peach
1 cup cantaloupe or honeydew (honeydew digests quicker than cantaloupe, but I don’t like it as much!)
½ nectarine
½ orange
A squeeze of lime
1 cup of water
I’m going to get cutting and slicing and blending and we’ll see how this goes. Thanks again, Joe 😉

Fi is a writer and editor for The Merry Go Round. She enjoys sunshine, singing in the car and viewing the glass as half full (of wine)