Debatable: New Year’s Resolutions — waste of time, or helpful way to focus?
It often feels New Year’s resolutions are something people either love or loathe. Marina offered her helpful hints last week too. In a bid to settle the issue once and for all, TMGR’s founders Anita and Fi will go head-to-head, womano-a-womano, on the hot topic: New Years resolutions: Waste of time or helpful way to get the most out of a new start?
Anita says:
New Year’s Eve is a time to party, a time for reflection and gratitude, a time for celebrations and of course a time to get bombarded with resolutions, new decisions and goals for the new year. If you are like many, losing weight, quitting drinking, exercising more, looking at phones less, finding a new job… will be amongst your list.
Whilst I make resolutions, I don’t get caught up in making ‘New Year’s Resolutions’. This is why:
Why wait?
It’s great that a new year is a motivating factor to inspire change and become a better version of ourselves; however, why wait for one specific day to start a new goal, new decision or a resolution, when we have 364 other days in the year that are equally as great and available to us? If it’s a decision that will make us healthier and happier, why don’t we start right now? In this moment?
Zero pressure
We all know that majority of New Year’s Resolutions don’t last till the end of Jan. In fact, more than 25% give up in the first week. Is this because we make these decisions based on this idea that we ‘need to’ or ‘should’ at this time of year? Do we want to make this resolution or are we just making a resolution for the sake of making a resolution? I believe it is healthier and more effective to take the pressure off New Year’s Eve and start goals and resolutions when you are fully committed and motivated to make it last.
That time for gratitude
Let’s not get too caught up in the past year and be too serious about what we ‘have’ to achieve this forthcoming year. Instead, let’s give ourselves a massive pat on the back and celebrate the year that was. 2016 may have been tough, may have had challenges, funny moments, wins and let’s face it, times that we just want to put behind us. But that’s life and we made it!
And Fi says:
I’ve never been a fan of New Year’s Eve. There is too much pressure to have a great night, plans never seem to work out and you sure as hell can’t find a taxi when you need one. But New Year’s Day? I love it. And New Year’s resolutions? I want to marry them and you can call me Mrs Resolution. Here’s why:
The cleanest slate
I’m always trying to improve myself and my habits. This is usually a two steps forward and one step back kind of thing. But I require a clean slate to make any change. I have not got enough willpower to get up one day and say “Today is your day!” a la Dr Seuss. A significant change is needed to motivate me and a new year is the cleanest of clean slates. If you like the sound of the clean slate, Gretchin Rubin explains it better than me. Moving house, a new relationship, a break up or new job can also act as a clean slate.
Infinite hope
I know most people don’t keep their resolutions, but just because we won’t stick to it, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have them. Wait! Hear me out! I would rather make the resolution because I have infinite hope that I can change. The idea of not making a resolution simply because I possibly won’t stick to it is defeatist and I want to have more faith in myself than that. But having said that….
Disappointment, be my friend
Make friends with disappointment. It’s not the enemy, it’s just the awkward friend of a friend you have to chat to at parties. Most resolutions don’t succeed, but we need to make peace with that and try again. I’m considering having monthly resolutions, rather than a giant, year-long one. I think I’m more likely to stick to it and it leaves room to change throughout the year.
Let me finish with this fact: I have failed in MANY resolutions. But I don’t look at it as a failure, I just need to wait for the next clean slate…
What’s your stance? Join in the conversation!
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Anita and Fi are the co-founders of The Merry Go Round and all-round cool birds. They don't always agree on everything, but they think it's better that way.