New Year’s Resolutions: The get-fit plan you can actually keep
With the New Year comes the obligatory resolutions that we either make or break. Getting fit is always high on the agenda – and why wouldn’t it be when we have the glorious Australian beach weather to take advantage of over January? But how can you do it in a way that won’t soon have you running to the couch for a Netflix binge instead of running around the block? The key is to strive for progress, not perfection. Here’s how.
Buddy up
Research suggests that we enjoy exercise more when we do it with others. So buddying up with a friend, family member or co-worker is the first step to fitness success. Plus, having a fitness buddy holds you accountable. Even if you don’t feel like going for that brisk walk around the park, if you made plans with Sally to do so – you won’t want to let her down by cancelling. Use guilt as your motivator! I guarantee once you’re actually out there working up a sweat, you’ll feel glad that you stuck to your guns.
Combine fitness with leisure
While afternoon chardonnays with the girls at the pub are a must every now and then, why not swap this for an active outing once a week? Round the girls up, swap the vino for a green juice and hit a nature or coastal walk while you catch up on the week’s events with your besties. As my first tip points out, there’s strength in numbers – so be the one to bite the bullet and make it happen. You’ll probably be pleasantly surprised at how eager your friends are to get out there and try something different.
Don’t be afraid to get a helping hand
Look, it’s totally okay to admit that sometimes we can’t just do it all on our own. Being realistic rather than stubbornly idealistic is what’s going to get us to the finish line in the end. A few sessions with a personal trainer is a great way to get on track, or, for time-pressed people, why not look to technology for a helping hand? Fat Cavitation Machines are great for spurring along progress on those stubborn areas of fat or cellulite that don’t seem to budge with diet or exercise. It non-invasively sculpts, tightens and reshapes your problem areas (like upper arms, abdomen or love handles, for example), its painless – and – you’re in and out of a session in about 40 minutes flat. Hooray!
Positive vibes always
You can forget about this all right now if you’re going to let negative self-talk trickle in and ruin all the great work you’re doing. A positive state of mind cultivates positive results, so remember – be kind to yourself, and don’t forget that no matter how anyone’s life appears on Instagram, we’re all fighting our own battles. For real. Congratulate yourself on even your small successes (like walking part of the way to work instead of catching the bus) and dust yourself off and try again if you’ve had a relapse week.
And last but not least, be sure to reward yourself every now and then. “Eat clean to stay fit, have a burger to stay sane,” is supermodel Gigi Hadid’s fitness philosophy; and I couldn’t agree more.
Interested in learning more about Ultrasound fat cavitation? Call The Global Beauty Group on 1300 006 607 for more info or to find a fat cavitation specialist in your area.

Marina is the Skincare Ambassador at The Global Beauty Group. Her devotion to understanding the science of skin is unmistakable. When it comes to laying the foundation for healthy skin Marina advises, “Never underestimate the power of a solid skincare regimen.”