Permanent hair removal without the pain? Yes please!
Hair removal is a multi-billion dollar business, and that’s simply because many of us have body parts that we’d like to defuzz. It’s not just the ladies, either – more and more men are turning to hair removal solutions for that over-abundant chest, back or leg hair. Thanks to laser and IPL technology, we can also enjoy defuzzing our bits on a permanent basis – but anyone that’s tried laser or IPL hair removal will know that it can have some of us sensitive folk cowering back to our razor and shaving cream like a scared little kitten.
Well, just like the brave (and handsome) fireman that comes to save the kitten stuck up the tree, fortunately the permanent hair removal world now has it’s own lovable (and pain-free) superhero – and you need to know about it, STAT!
Say sayonara to pain with Super Hair Removal
Yes, it really is called Super Hair Removal (SHR for short), and yes, you’ll see that it is deserving of that somewhat over-the-top name once you learn more about it. So what’s so super about it?
A SHR IPL machine is the latest, state-of-the-art innovation in permanent hair removal which promises to take away that often very intense shot of pain we experience during laser and IPL treatment, and replace it with a cruisy and comfortable treatment that achieves the exact same end goal – smooth, sexy, hair-free skin forever!
How does it work?
Laser and IPL both use a gun-like handpiece to ‘stamp’ the unwanted hair one bit at a time with pulses of high intensity heat-generating light to destroy the hair follicle. SHR on the other hand uses a handpiece that looks more like a scanner. This scanner glides over the entire unwanted hair region using high repetition rates at low energy levels to instead gradually heat the hair follicles to the point of destruction. This technique immediately takes away the ‘zap’ of laser and IPL discomfort that has us running for the hills.
The other really cool thing about SHR is that the gliding motion (instead of gun-like, shot-by-shot stamping) of application means that treatments are over in no time at all. In fact, an SHR permanent hair removal treatment takes half the time of a traditional IPL session, so you can be in and out of the salon like it’s nobody’s business. SHR is perfect for larger areas of unwanted hair such as the legs, arms and back.
When can I get SHR?
Like, now. Although SHR, laser and IPL permanent hair removal is conducted all year round, getting the treatment course over and done with during the cooler months means that you’ll be ready to tear off your layers with nary a care in the world come summer when it’s time to show off some skin.
Tell me where to get it!
I suggest talking to your beauty or skin specialist to see if they provide SHR permanent hair removal, or you can call The Global Beauty Group on 1300 00 607 to find a provider of this beauty equipment in your state or territory.
Painless and fast permanent hair removal? Maybe it’s high time SHR got its own Marvel comic alongside Spider-Man and the Avengers?
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Brittnay is a self-confessed skincare junkie. She’s always eager to impart her knowledge and tips on how looking good can help you feel great and her never-fail makeup tip is that, “you can’t go past a statement lipstick.” Her personal favourite? “Purple”. Her beauty philosophy is simple – don’t be afraid to be bold and beautiful!