Skincare essentials when travelling
Skincare specialist for The Global Beauty Group, Marina Juhas-Cucilovic shares her tips on how to give your skin the perfect holiday, when going on holiday.
Are you setting off on a sun-soaked holiday? Or embracing the cooler temperatures with an adventure to the snow? Either way, here’s a few tips for creating the perfect travel skincare pack when you’re preparing to jet set.
Check yourself
If you’re travelling by plane, the first thing to do is check with your carrier what the liquid, aerosols and gels restrictions are for boarding. This will save you the heartache of having to throw out one of your favourite beauty products at the security checkpoint because it’s over the size limit!
Even if you aren’t faced with liquid restrictions, minimising your luggage on any holiday will ease the back pain when getting around. One way to do this is to get yourself a beauty travel kit (available at chemists) which comes with an array of travel-sized bottles and containers. Simply dispense your cleanser, moisturiser, shampoo, etc. into the bottles and you won’t have to lug extra weight with multiple bulky bottles and jars. Beauty travel kit containers are also especially designed for travelling – which means you won’t have any product leakage disasters in your bags (we’ve all experienced it).
Back to basics
Although it may be tempting to pack your entire vanity cabinet, just remember – you are going on holiday – give yourself a break! A cleanser, exfoliant, moisturiser, SPF, lip balm, shampoo and conditioner and deodorant dispensed into travel kit containers is really all you need to get you through (step away from the contour palette, ladies).
Disposable skin cleansing wipes
I find time and time again that packing disposable wipes saves the day in so many travel situations – when you get back from the beach cocktail bar late and need to take your makeup off quickly before crashing out (please don’t make a habit of that though), when you need to freshen up on the road, when the public toilet is out of soap or when the juicy, exotic street food you are devouring doesn’t come with any napkins to mop up the spills. Disposable wipes. Every. Time.
Slip, slop, slap
Did you know that UV exposure is a major cause of premature ageing? So while you’re working on that tan, just remember you are also weakening the collagen structures in your skin which leads to loss of elasticity and wrinkles. Yep. If you don’t think that’s worth it (it’s not), then be sure to apply a high protection SPF sunscreen to your face and exposed body parts while out and about on holiday – this includes winter wonderland vaycays as the UV rays reflect off the white snow right onto your skin for some seriously strong sun damage.
Natural beauty
Having said that, our bodies also need vitamin D for strong bones, muscles and healthy skin – and where does vitamin D come from? The sun! Experts say that in summer when UV radiation is highest, we only need a few minutes of UV exposure per day to our face, hands and arms to get enough vitamin D. So this may mean sitting out on your resort balcony without sunscreen while drinking your morning coffee. Then the rest of the day, you need to apply and then reapply!
During winter, when UV rays are lower (but still there) – aim to get 20 minutes a day of UV exposure without sun protection for ample vitamin D dosage. Again, anything more than this you will need to wear high protection sunscreen if you wish to minimise UV damage to your skin.
Lay off on the heavy foundations and powders too while on holiday as fresh air is great for our skin. So sit back, relax and let the tropical island breeze oxygenate your pores for a post-holiday glow that will leave your workmates green with envy. Bon voyage!
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Marina is the Skincare Ambassador at The Global Beauty Group. Her devotion to understanding the science of skin is unmistakable. When it comes to laying the foundation for healthy skin Marina advises, “Never underestimate the power of a solid skincare regimen.”