Beauty after dark: 5 steps to the perfect night time face wash
Does our skin need special attention before bed? That’s the hot topic this week for The Global Beauty Group’s Skincare Ambassador, Marina Juhas-Cucilovic.
One of the secrets to showing off a dewy, healthy glow day in, day out is by giving your skin a little extra TLC before bedtime. This is because our skin is essentially a night shift worker in that it repairs and renews itself on a cellular level while we sleep. The best time to reap the restorative benefits of sleep for your skin is between 9pm and 7:30am, when our bodies secrete melatonin, a naturally occurring sleep hormone that tells us it’s time to wind down, kill the lights and call it a night.
This is why specialised night time skincare products are often stronger and more concentrated. They aim to work hand in hand, on a deeper cellular level, with the restorative power of sleep so you can wake up looking lush.
The 5 step bedtime skincare routine for gorgeous skin
Step 1. Cleanse
Step 2. Exfoliate
Step 3. Apply serum
Step 4. Apply masque
Step 5. Apply night cream
Now it’s important to note that serums, anti-ageing creams and masques should be used at bedtime to attain optimal results. This is because serums are highly concentrated formulas that thrive off the cellular repair activity that occurs during sleep, allowing the product to delve deeper and work harder for your skin. Masques are the second most concentrated skincare product, so the same applies.
Many specialised night time skincare products also contain powerful skin renewal ingredients that can make skin sensitive to daylight and sun exposure – so if the label says ‘night time’, be sure to stick to that and always use a separate moisturiser with SPF protection for daytime.
Final tips
+ If you’re now thinking “but which cleanser, serum, masque, etc. should I use?” – my answer is to find yourself a good skin specialist. Our skin has different characteristics and different needs so it’s impossible to provide a blanket recommendation if you’re truly seeking the ‘wow factor’. A qualified skin therapist will take you through a thorough skin analysis and prescribe the appropriate skin-corrective products for your individual skin type or skin condition such as acne, pigmentation, premature ageing, etc.
+ The only thing that will sabotage all of the good work you are doing by following the above tips is not getting enough sleep in the first place! You can slap on the most luxurious serums in the world, but if you are continually depriving your body of a regular sleep pattern – it will take a toll on your skin and only bring on the signs of ageing faster (exactly what we are trying to avoid).
So after your nightly skincare ritual, be sure to snuggle down for a solid eight hours sleep too. Sweet dreams!
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Marina is the Skincare Ambassador at The Global Beauty Group. Her devotion to understanding the science of skin is unmistakable. When it comes to laying the foundation for healthy skin Marina advises, “Never underestimate the power of a solid skincare regimen.”