Marissa Moro | March 30, 2016
Seven Year Switch- Episode 3 Recap
Just like the sex lives of the shows couples, the Seven Year Switch has fizzled into a barren...
Fiona Tassone | March 30, 2016
Why I’m not ready to have kids
I’m of a certain age where two things are happening: Many of my friends are having children, and...
Fiona Tassone | March 22, 2016
Online dating: Six tried and tested apps
I was the Goldilocks of online dating. I had been single for six years and I enjoyed that...
Marissa Moro | March 22, 2016
Seven Year Switch – Episode 2 Recap
It happened! The switch happened! Finally the couples have met each other! My favourite aspect about reality TV...
Marissa Moro | March 16, 2016
Seven Year Switch- Episode 1 Recap
After weeks of waiting, I finally sat down to Channel 7’s new show Seven Year Switch, or as...
Fiona Tassone | March 15, 2016
Greetings and gaffes
Why saying hello to people freaks me out. I was recently introduced to a friend’s new lady. While...
Fiona Tassone | March 8, 2016
The folly of new friendships
If we didn’t meet in high school or work together, I’m honestly not sure how our friendship came...
Fiona Tassone | March 5, 2016
The agony and the ecstasy of: Sharing your bed
I have been single for six years. Six. Long. Years. Don’t get me wrong, I dated men (read:...