Mind and Body
The glass half full
Amongst other things, I’ve been a hairdresser for 30 years. I’ve heard a lot of stories in that time and it has allowed me to achieve an in-depth understanding of people; sharing their highs and their lows. Since I can remember, I have always been interested in personal growth and people’s stories. What makes us who we are and how we can become the best we can be.
I have always felt that we were put on this planet to serve and help others and it gives me great joy to help people. It’s unfortunate that too often we are surrounded by negative stories, making us feel fearful. We seem to be losing empathy, tolerance and a sense of community as our world moves at a lightning speed.
For too long I have been searching for all the answers, I have read self-help books, completed many courses on self-improvement and enjoyed expressing myself through my art. However, I was striving for ‘complete’ happiness, complete Zen. Aiming for perfection, yet setting myself up for failure.
This is my journey, my thoughts, my ideas, my experiences and my life lessons. I enjoy learning and sharing that it’s not about being perfect, it’s about being content and grateful in the present moment, where you are right now.
The gift of gratitude and why we need more of it
Being grateful is something I’m spending more time focusing on. By just sitting with who I am and accepting myself as a whole. Not trying to be perfect, has the power to bring about a more positive outlook and it’s a very simple process when you are aware of it and practise it constantly. This process allows me to be present, not become stuck in the past and not caught up in the “what ifs” of the future. I take in and am grateful for the beautiful day, (whether it is raining or shining), the sounds of the birds, the people I am so blessed to have in my life and the fact that I am alive.
The more I focus on gratitude, the more my mood begins to lighten as it brings about positive change and thoughts.
I become grateful for the more challenging moments in my life as I look back and reflect. What did I learn from that moment? What should I be grateful for? What do I need to let go of to help me be more present? What do I need to accept and move on?
The act of being grateful
Practicing gratitude on a daily basis no matter what life throws at us makes a big difference. It allows us to become more resilient and sets a positive outlook towards life, ourselves and others. It also allows us to be more aware as we are not stuck in any emotional/negative mindsets. We are perceptive, present and free.
Things I find helpful:
- I like to put a whiteboard at my front door. To write down things that inspire me. When I leave for the day I’m reminded of what I want to focus on for today.
- Take time everyday to find things you are grateful for.
- Express your gratefulness towards others. Let people be aware you appreciate them.
Being Grateful = Positivity and Happiness = Being Present
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Mark loves being outside, painting, gardening, a dog named Toby and a good glass of Shiraz.