The art of just simply doing the right thing
Ok, so… things have got serious.
I was going for a walk, when I threw out a friendly “hello” to a fellow footpath-er and to my horror they didn’t respond!
I’m sorry, what?
Wait, it gets worse.
I was in the car last week and I signaled to a pedestrian that they could cross in front of me before I turned the corner- and I got zilch.
No wave, nor nod or smile. I was hurt! (OK, that’s a little drastic, but I was definitely of the mindset that it was seriously not cool!)
I mean, has the world gone mad? Or is this just down to two people who are seriously lacking in etiquette? Well unfortunately, it is not only these two, but also the lady in Safeway who accepted the “who’s next” in the deli line when the ticket thingamajig wasn’t working.
She wasn’t in fact next in line, the old guy was, then, yours truly.
Now, I didn’t come here to whinge! Far from it! But it did occur to me that I should subject you all to a friendly etiquette reminder. I’m sure you, like me, are total legends and well versed in the dos and don’ts when it comes to these things; however, in case you know someone that needs a subtle hint- just share this article and maybe some helpful tips will be picked up in their accidental reading…
Car etiquette
This is a big one and too much to cover, but let’s get a few things straight. A nod, smile and the fingers lifted off the wheel wave are all the keys to good car manners. Especially in car parks. If someone gets to a spot before you, accept the loss, smile, nod and move on. Throw out a quick prayer to St Anthony and he’ll find you another spot quick sticks. If someone lets you merge in traffic, chuck up a high five wave they can see through the car. If a driver allows you to cross in front of them, smile and give a little nod or wave (there’s options, cut loose!). Traffic and bad drivers are the key to making us go crazy, but next time you have the opportunity to give a friendly smile or nod, it will no doubt make the fellow driver happy and you’ve probably just done your good deed for the day!
So, you’re lucky enough to have family or friends invite you to something? When you think about it, that’s pretty sweet. People clearly like you. So the cool thing to do here is respond. The good ol’ RSVP. You know, letting people know if you are going to rock up or not. Now, I haven’t forgotten that we sometimes don’t wanna go to something. I get it. Boy, do I get it. But we still have to RSVP. And we kinda have to do it ASAP. I’m big on this one since having the babies. They have parties and you get anxious not knowing numbers for food and more importantly party bags.. so when you get invited to something, you…. RSVP, ASAP!
Phones at the dinner table
It’s a buzz kill (Do the kids still say that? Unsure) but it’s no good. It definitely sends the message out that you have more important matters or peeps to attend too. You can do the occasional check but unless it’s super important or an emergency don’t respond, just wait to respond after dinner.
The ‘you look how I feel’ phrase
Lastly, but maybe most importantly, please try and remove the phrase, ‘you look how I feel’ from your vocabulary of sayings if it’s in the mix. I mean ouch! This quiet possibly is the most thrown about socially accepted insult there is. So, I’m taking a stand. How can you possibly suggest that whilst you feel rotten you still however, look good, to the other person who may actually feel OK but looks terrible. It’s ghastly. Just keep it cute with a ‘g’day and so good to see you!’ It definitely won’t offend and they can get on with their day without feeling like they look like death warmed up.
Take heed, all good advice here guys! Stay tuned for Part 2.
Peace x

Jacinta holds a Bachelor of Arts in Recreation, no you didn't read that incorrectly, she actually has a degree specialising in how to have a good time. She follows everything celebrity, including the goss, memes and dramas that they provide. The loves of her life are her husband and gorgeous boys that fill her days with plenty of laughter and in this world, content,