Mind and Body
Barbell exercises for the home or gym
Want to work on your hamstrings, quads, glutes and your core? Who doesn’t, right? These three barbell exercises can help you out with that.
The next time you’re at the gym or have access to a barbell, give them a go and try your very best to rep them out until you fatigue. I suggest you find a weight you’re comfortable with, then perform 4 sets of 15 reps of each of these:
Start with the Barbell positioned on top of your trap muscles. Keep your head position forward and the chest up. Remember to keep your feet a little turned out and maintain a hip-width stance.
The descend movement involves flexing the knees while ensuring that they stay aligned with your feet. The aim is to keep your torso in an upright position, as upright as possible.
Continue a downwards movement and keep the weight load on your heel. Once your legs contract then your legs reverse the motion in an upward driving movement.
Position yourself in the center of the barbell with your feet about hip-width apart. Before gripping your hands to the bar make sure you bend at the hips. Once you have a firm grip of the bar, begin by inhaling a big breath then lower your hips and bend at the knees. Make sure at this point your head maintains a forward position, your back arched and your chest up.
Once the bar passes your knees with force pull the bar back, with the shoulder blades pulling together as you execute your hips forward to the bar.
Stand in an up-right position always when a barbell is resting on the back of your shoulders. (below the neck slightly).
Your starting position requires you to stand behind your platform or box jump. You then raise your right leg and place your foot on the platform, then the left foot too.
Once both feet are in position on the platform step back with the left foot to the ground and maintain a strong mid section and back whilst in motion.
Use these exercises to get your daily workout done in no time!
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Veronica Recupero is a highly energetic and motivated mother of two children, who is passionate about health and fitness. She focuses on a holistic approach to nutrition and training, to empower women to develop a positive mindset to make life style changes. Veronica is an accredited personal trainer, group fitness instructor, body building prep coach and has a diploma in social science. She also creates her own personalised nutritional recipes that are easy to follow and prepare.