Culling my closet…sigh
After reading Jade’s post on Monday I felt inspired. Many weekends have come and gone where my closet was on the agenda, yet I willingly let it slide to do more important things like have afternoon naps and paint my nails.
But this week I got serious. I mean coffee and garbage bags serious. I had three garbage bags ready: one for donations, one for the bin and one for items that needed to be fixed, dry cleaned etc. It was time to get started.
You see, I don’t do my spring cleaning during spring time, that’s far too predictable. For some reason I prefer to do it in autumn, that space in time between using my air conditioner and pumping the heater where I can genuinely consider both warm and wintery weather.
As I was picking through my wardrobe, easily throwing out excess kimonos (I admit, I have a kimono problem), old work shirts and leggings that have seen better days, I bypassed many items without even thinking.
After a while I noticed that my garbage bags weren’t that full, but my closet still was. I hardly wear any of this stuff, why was I refusing to part with it all?
I decided to start again, but this time, I’d really think about why I was keeping an item. And soon I noticed three distinct categories forming:
I might need it one day
You know those items. Tops or skirts or anything that you feel you really could use one day. That day never seems to arrive, but it could. This is the reason I have kept many festive dresses and skirts, because who knows when you’re going to be invited to a Hawaiian themed barbeque? And this is also the reason I’ve saved a little vest that looks like I’m about to go play some cricket.
I don’t foresee any cricket or Hawaiian parties on the horizon, but I’ve always kept things like these. Not anymore. They’re still good, so they’re being donated.
I might fit into it soon
I need to accept something. This acceptance has been looming for some time. I’m not the same size I used to be. There I said it. In tops and bottoms I’ve gone up a size or two and that’s okay. I purchase new clothes the correct size, it’s just that I keep the clothes that are too small because I might fit into it soon.
Soon? Yes, that day will be a few days after my death, and who needs it then? I need to accept that I’m not the size I once was, I’ve bought replacements in my current size and I don’t like the gym. Those are three facts which mean I need to get rid of them.
I might like to get sentimental
These items are different to the previous two categories. I don’t ever plan on wearing them to a themed party or even fitting into them, but I just like having them. The slogan t-shirts from my teenage years, the merchandise singlets bought at concerts and the dress from my 25th birthday are all things I could never wear now. But I don’t want to part with them.
I know organisational experts say we take photos for this reason, but I like having the real thing in front of me. And I’m a big softie, so they’re staying. But, I have some hanging space in the spare room, so I’ll move them there.
After several attempts, I’m finally happy with my clear out. I have two garbage bags for donation, one bag for the bin and an armful to be dry cleaned.
Now that my closet is officially culled and organised, I’m sure I’ll still wear the same four items ad nauseam. But at least everything fits and I might wear it one day.
Can anyone else relate to my closet dilemmas?
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Fi is a writer and editor for The Merry Go Round. She enjoys sunshine, singing in the car and viewing the glass as half full (of wine)