Sneaker Trends
I’m not going to lie, it’s never easy deciding on what sneakers to buy. There have been many times I have walked out of a store with multiple bags in hand or purchased one too many pairs online. The last few years, sneakers have really come to the forefront of the fashion world. Anyone and everyone is collaborating to create their own line of sneakers, you can custom make your own pair, there are even some who go as far as queuing hours on end to buy the latest must have style.
So I’ve put together some sneaker trends that may (or may not) help you narrow down that shopping basket.
Metallic is here to stay (Yay!) The great thing about metallic is that you can really make your look all about the sneaker. An all white or all black outfit with a metallic sneaker is what I’d be channeling here. But don’t be afraid to mix it up with some colour or print here and there. Here are a few brands getting their sparkle and shimmer on.

Source: SUPERGA 2750 LAMEW

Source: ASOS
All white sneakers are classic, they’re cool and effortless. I’d suggest wearing them with blue denim, but you can honestly wear them with pretty much any colour, from pastels, to natural colours like cream and khaki. They’re super versatile and fresh.

Source: Vans

Source: Nike
Blush has really come through from apparel to accessories and now shoes. Blush tones are a really great option for those of you who want the classic, cool look and don’t want your sneakers to upstage your outfit. Blush tones are similar to white when it comes to pairing them with the right outfit, they’re quite versatile. What I really do love is an all pink outfit from head to toe layered in different shades; from sugary pink to blush and cream. Feminine yet stylish.

Source: Adidas

Source: ASOS

Source: Platypus Shoes
Sneakers don’t have to be bland, why not work your outfit around what’s on your feet? Wear them with a simple, singular coloured outfit, or what I think works best; clash your prints to really stand out from the crowd. Here is some fun, fancy footwear to get you started.

Source: Nike

Source: Nike
These styles aren’t for the conservatives – I’m talking light up soles, bunny ears, pom poms and more! They will definitely get heads turning when you are walking down the street.

Source: ASOS

Source: Miss Guided
Care to line up outside a sneaker store overnight? That’s the length some people go to to get their hands on the latest sneaker collaboration, and they usually cost a pretty penny. If you’re addicted to sneakers and one-of-a-kind styles these are for you!

Source: Nice Kicks

Source: Adidas
So, there you have it, the latest sneaker trends. Which are your faves?
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Natalie is a firm believer in owning your individual style. A Visual Merchandiser by trade, she enjoys anything creative and inspiring. When she is not sewing, hunting at markets or catching up with friends, she can most likely be found taking a nap, preferably on a beach.